The gambling industry are extremely adept in enticing men to participate in what they claim is only a bit fun. My personal experience causes my opinion to differ but for one moment cast aside my 40 year experience as a prolific gambler. Let’s look at the evidence: “When the Fun stops STOP” is a well […]
Author: Ian Bartlett
Well, what an incredible journey that Pam (my wife) and I have been on. To be told only 3 months ago that I should basically prepare for my own funeral as I was given a 9-month shortened life expectancy was a shock. With the diagnosis of oesophageal cancer, the best I could hope for was […]
Just recently I was given the news that I had Metastatic Oesophageal cancer with a shortened life expectancy of 9 months. Although the consultant was looking directly at me for one brief moment, I had to check myself from turning around to see if she was talking to someone else. In the weeks and months […]
I know all too well the impact that gambling can have not only on the gambler but also on friends, relatives and colleagues. By the age of 49 I had lost hundreds of thousands of pounds due to this terrible addiction. Gambling landed me in the criminal justice system for over eighteen years, ten of […]
A friend revealed to me recently, that although she was a primary school teacher she too had been caught up in gambling. It seemed to her that a trip to the bingo offered a night out to enjoy herself with her friends but unfortunately as time passed those feelings passed by and the thoughts of […]
Do you ever go through times of reflection looking back at what you have done or possibly not have done in the year? I recently went through one of these periods and I found myself looking at the negatives, the things I should have done but didn’t and it started to get me feeling depressed. […]
I started a new job in July 2011 in a warehouse factory and I was praying “Lord use me to reach these Men” It started when I put scripture cards on the mirrors in the gents toilets, and people started to ask, “What are these?” A good opportunity to share my testimony and I did. […]
If you happened to be walking along your high street and all of a sudden someone accosted you and said with menace “Give us your money!” I would like to think that you would not be intimidated and your response would be “No!” and you would, out of concern that this might happen to someone else, report the matter. […]
I can call upon my own experiences when I say, that especially around the Christmas period the temptation to gamble was at its greatest. There can be many different contributing factors to this but I will briefly touch on one. “The expectation and pressure to provide” For some this can be the catalyst that plunges […]
In 2005 the Government in the UK opened the door to gambling becoming “an acceptable leisure activity”. I was a gambler for 40 years and believe me when I say that when you are in it, you don’t see the potential harm caused to some vulnerable people until you step back you see it for […]