At my house, when the cupboards are empty it’s a bad thing. It doesn’t take long before the children start asking when I am going to do the next food shop. When my car flashes up with the orange empty sign, it’s a bad thing. When my phone battery has 1% and as I’m fumbling […]
Author: Nathan Blackaby
In 1999 I stood by the Millennium wheel in London at 23:59 with my girlfriend and the masses around us; I stood, ready for the world to end. The Millennium bug was just seconds away and I was poised to watch it all come tumbling down. What happened was at 12:01am, like many others, I […]
You are not alone Humanity has searched to answer the question, is there life out there somewhere? This question throws us into the very depths of space and its mind-bending size and reach, and year after year the answer is, no. We are alone and we still haven’t found evidence of life beyond this planet. […]
Welcome back and to the last in my top 3 men’s event list. Number 3: PIE & CHIPS Now. recently, Beechy and I went on a truck tour. We try and get around the country a few times a year to meet the men’s groups, area coordinators, and any guys who stand with CVM. This […]
OK, welcome back to my top 3 men’s events list. Here is number 2. CARS & BIKES I was having a meeting with a bloke the other day at Salisbury Cathedral, in his dog collar and black suit we chatted and talked faith but interestingly, we talked about motorbikes first! He had three incredible classic […]
I thought it might be fun to just do a quick top 3 on ideas for men’s events – we love a top 3 at CVM so the next three articles/blogs from me are exactly that. Without further ado, number 3… FIRE There is something primal about a fire that doesn’t need to be dressed […]
Recently the men’s group that I am part of ran an event called MOB (doesn’t stand for anything, just a MOB of men!), and I think it has great potential to help us link up with other men’s groups, churches and become something of a catalyst to encourage men to get together. MOB is based […]
So here at CVM we have been long-time supporters of encouraging men into men’s groups, and I thought that now would be a great time to just write a few blogs about it: why we are so focussed on it and how you and your mates can benefit from them. So, without further ado – […]
So here at CVM we have been long-time supporters of encouraging men into men’s groups, and I thought that now would be a great time to just write a few blogs about it: why we are so focussed on it and how you and your mates can benefit from them. So, without further ado – […]
So here at CVM we have been long-time supporters of encouraging men into men’s groups, and I thought that now would be a great time to just write a few blogs about it: why we are so focussed on it and how you and your mates can benefit from them. So, without further ado – […]