Many Christians this Easter will open up their Bibles and read the gospel accounts of the Easter story: Jesus’ trial, death, and resurrection. All four gospels tell of this event, which makes sense, the Resurrection is the heart of the Christian faith, after all. Yet the careful reader will observe that the accounts do vary […]
Author: Jonathan Sherwin
Tiger Woods has experienced unparalleled highs as well as crushing lows. He has tasted of success and failure. His recent arrest brings up many questions about how we react when our heroes fall from grace.
The terrible events in Manchester on May 22nd 2017 brought death, grief, shock, and outrage. Atrocious acts, such as this, prompt so many deep questions – it’s so important to be bold enough to attempt to answer them well.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Or the weak implode. Either way, when life gets bumpy there’s an opportunity to find out what we’re really made of.
I don’t know, perhaps I’m the only one, but sometimes church buildings seem a darn sight more impressive than the people they house.
Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale follow on from their success with Why Suffering? with their new book, Jesus Among Secular Gods. Read our full review here.
The events of 2016 left many feeling like they had taken a roller coaster ride. How do we look boldly towards the future in the face of much uncertainty?
I moved house recently. My wife and I are working overseas for three months, and before we left we packed up everything, sold half, put half in to storage, and left our home. It’s only when you move that you realise quite how much stuff you’ve managed to accumulate. When looking for a house to […]
Is is true that all paths lead to the top of the mountain? That religion is basically heading to the same destination? It’s a nice idea, but upon reflection it doesn’t seem feasible.
On last year’s Christmas list I mentioned to Santa that I’d like a copy of Focus by Daniel Goleman. 2016 was going to be a year of concentrated effort, where I pick off one task at a time and get things done. Goleman was to be my tutor in single-mindedness. 10 months on and I’ve […]