I serve on the board of Trustees for a charity that works with the RN (no names no pack drills). A recent trustee board meeting was held in a Royal Naval establishment and we were accommodated in the wardroom (officers accommodation), again no names here to protect the innocent. We arrived on the Sunday for […]
Tag: Church
About the Sport Principle The British Olympic sailing team’s sports psychologist attributes the British Sailing Team’s considerable success over the last two to three decades, to their deliberate policy of generating a team spirit among the sailors over the Olympic cycle, even though many of them are going out on the water on their own […]
So here at CVM we have been long-time supporters of encouraging men into men’s groups, and I thought that now would be a great time to just write a few blogs about it: why we are so focussed on it and how you and your mates can benefit from them. So, without further ado – […]
So, in case you have forgotten what I wrote about last time (as if) it was just after we went into lockdown, and I reflected on the upbeat subject of death … this time I want to think about new starts … life coming back … I was chatting to CVM’s Michael Cooper who served […]
The enduring image of Mary Magdalene has had a tough reputation both in the Church and popular culture … I fully enjoyed seeing Mary restored to a position of authority as a key apostle of Jesus and an important element of the early church in her own standing.
In considering writing something for Valentines day, I have to confess the commercial pomp and fizz around the day does little for me and my wife. However, readers beware, there is a hidden trap that many men have fallen into. It’s that conversation the week before about Valentine’s day, you know the one. ‘What are […]
A film that will scorch your soul and challenge you but also leave you thinking through how you approach those around you and just maybe make you a better person as a result.
I don’t know, perhaps I’m the only one, but sometimes church buildings seem a darn sight more impressive than the people they house.
Why is it so difficult to get men involved with the church? We don’t have to spend long in many of our churches up and down the country to realise that, in many congregations, there are a lot more women than there are men. Why is this, and is there anything that we can do […]
The workplace; a place where we spend most of our week, a place where as Christian men we can influence our co-workers, suppliers and customers with the Gospel. Or is it? Are we really showing God’s love in our attitudes, work ethics and conversations? Do we struggle to live by our Christian values when the […]