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The Gathering
the crazy way
The Code
Christian Vision for Men


CVM is not a club! It's a movement

A movement of men across the UK (and in fact the world). A movement of men who are passionate about reaching out to their mates with the message of hope that is only found in Jesus. We have some cracking resources to help you reach men wherever they are; a speakers list of around 200 evangelistic speakers, training resources, church packs (which you will receive if you partner as a group), free online Bible study resources, podcasts, books and much more. Add to that a variety of regional events both online and in person, training events and the evangelistic summer camp ‘The Gathering’, you will see that we are serious about this stuff - Are you?

We also believe that as Christian men we must stand up and fight against moral decline, so we engage and inform at a national level. So there you have it, CVM seeks to link up with individuals and men’s groups at grassroots level to resource, encourage and support in outreach and discipleship of men. To enable us to continue resourcing and encouraging this work we need your help and support.

By joining us as an individual or a group you will become part of this growing movement across the UK, enabling the CVM team to better equip YOU with what YOU need in this vitally important area of outreach and mission. If you are up for the challenge, click on your preferred partnering option to join in the fight for the lives of men across the UK. On behalf of the CVM team

Carl Beech, CVM's President

Partnering with CVM is simple, there are two options

  1. Is as an individual, a church leader or influencer in church who loves CVM, gets the heart and vision, wants to stay plugged in but isn’t at the ‘start a men’s group’ stage in the journey.
  2. The men’s group leader route.
  3. Nathan Blackaby. CVM CEO


Maybe you are a church leader or someone who is keen to get plugged in, resourced, and support CVM and encourage others to help build and grow a thriving evangelistic ministry to men.

Men’s ministry is a long journey, on average it takes 5 years to lead a man to a commitment to Christ and he needs to hear the gospel about 30 times. That’s why CVM is here, to stand with you and help keep you supported and equipped on this long, but exciting journey of evangelism to men.

The Individual partnership route is simple, for any monthly amount in supporting CVM, we will send you a copy of the CODE.

What is included?

Men's Group

The second way to partner is with your men’s groups through a church, hobby group or something even more creative, even if it’s just the name of the group with no blokes there yet – we are ready to work with you.

You may have a vibrant and active men’s group, but it’s stuck at the ‘Christian huddle’ stage and lacks the vision and strategy to really go up a gear in mobilising the men into a mission.

Whatever stage of the men’s group, partnering with us at CVM means we stand together, resourcing and equipping you on the journey to see a host of men introduced to the gospel.

What is included?

The Individual Partnership

Any monthly direct debit on the individual partnership route

A copy of the Code

A CVM Event playbook

All of our leaflets etc

The Group Partnership

Signing up today for £99 per year, you will receive the follow resources and access:


Founding Fathers

Going Against the Grain

The Ultimate Survival Guide

The Code

The Crazy Way Pack

Iron Men

The Manual starter kit

Group Resources

The CVM Event Playbook

Codetalks - resource including 12 HD videos.


Help on hand to organise your larger scale event

Including promotion of your event to other groups

Access to our speakers list

Man Friday email

Access to the 'Group Leaders' area of Winning Men which opens up full access to.

Downloadable PDF group resources

Event ideas and support

Graphic templates, images and logos

Evangelistic theme ideas

CVM’s Ultimate Top Ten Achieve

How to guides

Top tips for setting up a men’s ministry

Other Benefits

Access to The CVM Speakers List for your events

Support from a local CVM coordinator

Occasional discounts on new resource

Donate to CVM


  • Hope
  • Global Adventure
  • Care
  • Restored
  • New Wine
  • Who Let The Dads Out?
  • Sorted
  • Armed Forces Christian Union
  • Naked Truth Prayer
  • Compassion
  • Christian Golf Society
  • Edge Ministries
  • Engage
  • Home for Good
  • Christian Police Association
  • Covenant Eyes